Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I am so ready for the sun to come out and warm us up! I am tired of the wind blowing and it being cold outside (sorry everyone up north!). I want to sit outside and watch my kids play. I want to hear the birds chirp. I want to be mad at the stupid ice cream man when he comes around the block! I want to watch Drew try to figure out how he is going to eat ice cream that is half his size before it drops on the driveway! And I want to not be a hermit and talk to my neighbors! Is that to much to ask?????


Jamey said...

If you think that you feel like a hermit...think about me, we got snow the other day, and there is more on the way on Monday. When it warms up, I will be a hermit because of the new baby. At least I will be able to send the other kids outside to play. I did hear birds this morning, but now I can't remember if it was real or in my dream...yeah, I need more sleep!

Christy said...

OK - Snow and Hail in the middle of April is AWFUL is mother nature on something alittle to strong?! I am so with you on wishing for the hot summer sun to come our way! and I'm glad I'm not the only one that yells at the ice cream man in the summer! :)