Sunday, March 1, 2009

1,244 miles & 22 hrs. traveled

I think that was one of the craziest months I have had! It started with Ben needing a Roman Soldier costume for a wax museum project. He told me a few weeks before, but I didn't remember until 7:00 the night before! Then Ivey's cheer comp. in Salt Lake that I went up for. Valentines came, Drew and I drove up to New Harmony to make sugar cookies with Tiffany. It was a lot funner making them with her. But I hit a major snow storm on the way home (10:00 p.m.). I should of stayed the night. The next Thursday Austin had a lacrosse game in Mesquite. They played Park City and beat them, so the kids and I went to that. Feb. 21st was my big B-day! Ben and Drew made me a cake while I was getting a pedi. with Ivey and my Mom.:) He forgot to let it cool before adding the candles and frosting! What a good boy he is! That night, Ryan and I then left for Pine Valley to stay at the Cowan's cabin with our friends! Lucinda's B-day is 2 days before mine, so we celebrate together! We ate at the Branding Iron, played games, went on a long walk, and had a snowball fight. It was fun and very relaxing (we watched T.V. with NO kids! Brandon & Debbie watched them for us!). We took Austin and Ben out of school the next Tuesday to go to Brian Head to go snowboarding. The weather was to perfect to pass up. And it was such a fun day. And finally Feb. 28th, Austin had a big lacrosse tournament in Las Vegas. Ryan stayed home with the 3 kids, and I went to Vegas!! I sat on the field in my chair, read my book, watched Austin play, suntanned my face, and was in Heaven. There was no kids needing me, no house to clean, and no one being bored! Plus, I don't get a lot of alone time with Austy. We had to stop at the Valley of Fire so he could laugh (Joe Dirt movie). It was a lot of fun. And that was my Feb. in a nut shell! Thank goodness it is over! :) That equaled out to 1,244 miles & 22 hours of driving out of town.


Anonymous said...

Wow and I thought I was busy!!! cute pictures. Just wait untill next month.

Amy said...

You are a busy Momma!!! I thought the older they were, the less busy Mom was. Guess that was just wishful thinking.

Fun slide show....
I love the birthday cake, those kind are better than if it would have turned out perfect!

*** said...

You are so creative... Love the slide show. You will have to teach me!! Whew, life is crazy isn't it? Had fun in Pine Valley. Hope we can do it again soon!! I am leaving you as my follower because I love it!!

Lyndi Dunlavy said...

I'm so glad you have a blog! I am going to miss being on Enrichment with you. I hope everythings going well! Even though we live so close, it's so fun to blog stalk you!!

Christy said...

Hey Shel,
I am impressed that you had the courage to add up all the miles and hours of drive time!!! Sounds like you had a great month with your family and friends!! Great slides, your cake is awesome! Talk to you soon! Love ya!

bows and more said...

Hey Shelley! I found you from Lyndi's blog! Wow you sure did have a busy month! I am excited to be in enrichment with you! You are such a cutie and have such great ideas! Talk to you soon neighbor! Love, Kelsi